Pokemon Pantheon
Name: Pokemon Pantheon [Pc Game]
Create by: LunarDusk
Pokemon Pantheon is about a grand tournament being funded by the Crotek Company, called the Crotek Grand Championship! This tournament is designed to bring the best trainers from all over the world to a special island called Sealand, where they will battle it out for the chance to be crowned as the best trainer in the world! The tournament has 5 rounds, with two battles per round for the first 3 rounds, and only one battle for each of the last two rounds, bringing a total of 8 grueling matches for the player!
Pokemon Pantheon boasts many new features throughout the game. For basic features, this game has:
All pokemon up to gen 5 in the game, with gen 5 mechanics
Custom characters and story
Randomized Tournament features (See "Tournament" for more info below)
Randomized Items
Randomized Dialogue for NPCS
Randomized Shop items that refresh every round!
Draft system style of selecting pokemon! (See "Draft" below for more info)
Up to 4 endings to discover and play!
Sharable seeds, allowing players to give their friends the seed they have, and have the same randomized features for both players!
Easy, Normal, and Hard Difficulties
Permadeath. If you lose during the tournament, your game is over with. Play smart!
To help point out some of the bigger ones, I am going to create subsections in this catagory for them.
Tournament Features
Baaabuuu has worked on some special features in order to make this game jam different. We wanted to a create a dynamic and fun environment, especially for a tournament. We didn't think that a tournament in which the same trainers are always there, with the same names and teams. It's boring. So Baaabuuu locked himself into his room and started working. Once he came back to us, he came bearing gifts. He created a system, in which 255 trainers would be generated, where they would draft Pokémon, just like the player, creating a rich environment with different trainers to go up against for every single game, with no two games alike (unless you share a seed file!). He then went on to work on a tournament system, which This system would take the trainers and have them battle each other, ensuring that the trainers advancing wasn't decided on by a coin flip.
Did You say Randomized?
When we say the game is randomized, we completely mean it. The game automatically creates a random key, called a seed, which will create a world custom made for your playthrough! Almost everything is randomized in the game: every trainer you fight will be different, every pokeball you see will contain a different item, every shop will restock with different items each round, and every npc will not only look different, but say something different too! No two playthroughs should look alike, unless... (See "Seed Feature" below)
Draft Features
The draft system in Pokemon Pantheon is by far one of our biggest features in the game. Since your protagonist is already a seasoned trainer, they have tons of pokemon at their disposal already, but unfortunately the tournament only allows trainers to take 10 pokemon with them. "But Lunar," you might ask, "How does this affect me?" Simple, the player is allowed to pick 10 pokemon from a selection of 50, by picking one pokemon out of 5 for ten draft rounds. Each pokemon will have random stats, moves, abilities, natures, and even nicknames, and have a 1/50 chance to be shiny! Your pokemon selections will come from five different categories which were made based on the various aspects of the pokemon, just like any other tier system. You have a pick between Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Once you have selected 10 pokemon, those are your only ten pokemon for the entire tournament, so make sure you choose your partners right!
Seed Feature (How to share your adventure?)
But what's the fun of having custom tournaments and completely randomized stuff if you can't share the awesome save you have? Baaabuuu went even harder into his work to create the ability to transfer seed files to your friends to use!
"I want to share my adventure, please teach me how Baaabuuu!"
Well look no further there Billy! Just go to the folder and find this file:
This file is located in the game folder. Now what you do next is go to a website like mediafire, mega.co.nz or others and upload the file.
Then you have friends download that file, and insert it. Then they go there, before starting their game. Then once in-game they click "use same seed" and voila - you are now playing the same game.
Try and compete to see who can get the furthest in the tournament the fastest!
As an added bonus, you can try out the seed we used to test and create the game or you can create a new adventure to share to anyone Big Grin
Download Pokemon Pantheon Completed
Create by: LunarDusk
Pokemon Pantheon is about a grand tournament being funded by the Crotek Company, called the Crotek Grand Championship! This tournament is designed to bring the best trainers from all over the world to a special island called Sealand, where they will battle it out for the chance to be crowned as the best trainer in the world! The tournament has 5 rounds, with two battles per round for the first 3 rounds, and only one battle for each of the last two rounds, bringing a total of 8 grueling matches for the player!
Pokemon Pantheon boasts many new features throughout the game. For basic features, this game has:
All pokemon up to gen 5 in the game, with gen 5 mechanics
Custom characters and story
Randomized Tournament features (See "Tournament" for more info below)
Randomized Items
Randomized Dialogue for NPCS
Randomized Shop items that refresh every round!
Draft system style of selecting pokemon! (See "Draft" below for more info)
Up to 4 endings to discover and play!
Sharable seeds, allowing players to give their friends the seed they have, and have the same randomized features for both players!
Easy, Normal, and Hard Difficulties
Permadeath. If you lose during the tournament, your game is over with. Play smart!
To help point out some of the bigger ones, I am going to create subsections in this catagory for them.
Tournament Features
Baaabuuu has worked on some special features in order to make this game jam different. We wanted to a create a dynamic and fun environment, especially for a tournament. We didn't think that a tournament in which the same trainers are always there, with the same names and teams. It's boring. So Baaabuuu locked himself into his room and started working. Once he came back to us, he came bearing gifts. He created a system, in which 255 trainers would be generated, where they would draft Pokémon, just like the player, creating a rich environment with different trainers to go up against for every single game, with no two games alike (unless you share a seed file!). He then went on to work on a tournament system, which This system would take the trainers and have them battle each other, ensuring that the trainers advancing wasn't decided on by a coin flip.
Did You say Randomized?
When we say the game is randomized, we completely mean it. The game automatically creates a random key, called a seed, which will create a world custom made for your playthrough! Almost everything is randomized in the game: every trainer you fight will be different, every pokeball you see will contain a different item, every shop will restock with different items each round, and every npc will not only look different, but say something different too! No two playthroughs should look alike, unless... (See "Seed Feature" below)
Draft Features
The draft system in Pokemon Pantheon is by far one of our biggest features in the game. Since your protagonist is already a seasoned trainer, they have tons of pokemon at their disposal already, but unfortunately the tournament only allows trainers to take 10 pokemon with them. "But Lunar," you might ask, "How does this affect me?" Simple, the player is allowed to pick 10 pokemon from a selection of 50, by picking one pokemon out of 5 for ten draft rounds. Each pokemon will have random stats, moves, abilities, natures, and even nicknames, and have a 1/50 chance to be shiny! Your pokemon selections will come from five different categories which were made based on the various aspects of the pokemon, just like any other tier system. You have a pick between Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Once you have selected 10 pokemon, those are your only ten pokemon for the entire tournament, so make sure you choose your partners right!
Seed Feature (How to share your adventure?)
But what's the fun of having custom tournaments and completely randomized stuff if you can't share the awesome save you have? Baaabuuu went even harder into his work to create the ability to transfer seed files to your friends to use!
"I want to share my adventure, please teach me how Baaabuuu!"
Well look no further there Billy! Just go to the folder and find this file:
This file is located in the game folder. Now what you do next is go to a website like mediafire, mega.co.nz or others and upload the file.
Then you have friends download that file, and insert it. Then they go there, before starting their game. Then once in-game they click "use same seed" and voila - you are now playing the same game.
Try and compete to see who can get the furthest in the tournament the fastest!
As an added bonus, you can try out the seed we used to test and create the game or you can create a new adventure to share to anyone Big Grin

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