Pokemon Iridescent
Download Patched Pokemon Iridescent Rom
Version: v1.4.1 (Complete)
Updated: April 4, 2017

Name: Pokemon Iridescent
Type: GBAHack of: Fire Red
Language: English
Creator: Noossab Blue
This hack aims to freshen up the Kanto region by rearranging the plot a bit, as well as adding gen 4 pokes and fakemon, overhauling all of the battles, and basically everything else I listed in the features.
- New Fakemon Starters
- A completable Pokedex
- Higher level curve and difficulty
- 60+ Gen 4 Pokemon
- Physical/Special Split
- Complete Trainer, Gym Leader, and E4 overhaul
- Weaker Pokemon beefed up
- Rearranged plot and map
- Updated moves, TMs, and movepools
- Some changed typings and Abilities
- Cosmetic changes to many areas

Noossab Blue, TaichiWind, DarkNymfa, DoesntKnowHowToPlay, Wiznatts, Darthatron, Nook
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