Pokemon Theta Emerald EX
Download Patched Pokemon Theta Emerald EX Rom
Version: February 27th 2017 update
Updated: February 28 2017

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Useful Stuff
Pokemon LocationsItem Locations
Trainer Locations
Name: Pokemon Theta Emerald EXType: GBA
Hack of: Emerald
Language: English
Creator: LCCoolJ95
- All 721 Pokémon obtainable
- 600+ Moves- All moves up to Gen 6
- Proper Physical/Special Split
- 100+ Abilities: All abilities up to Gen 6
- Fairy-type
- 100+ reusable TMs
- Proper Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion
- Level 250
- Running Indoors
- New Repel System
- Gain EXP from capturing a Pokémon
- Deletable HMs
- Level 1 Eggs
- New Battle Backgrounds
- When you beat the game, on the hall of fame screen, some new Pokémon will show up as one of the original 386. It might have to do with some limiter somewhere.
- When leveling up, some new Pokémon will have a different colored icon if they leveled up while not in battle. As I said, a limiter needs to be fixed somewhere.
- When selecting multiple Pokémon in a box, some new Pokémon will have a different colored icon. Same thing, unknown limiter somewhere.
LCCoolJ95, DizzyEgg/KDS, MrDollSteak, Chaos Rush, Sky High/SBird, Starfall321, Blue, PurpleOrange, DrayanoSource/Help/Screenshots
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