Pokemon 3D
Pokemon 3D
Created by:
Kolben Game
It has from now (2016-09-02) discontinued work on this project and handed it over to a group of volunteers on Github. The project will be open source, and you can help develop it from now on.
List of bug fixes/changes:
Fix Snorlax sleeping bug.
Fix Sleep related moves bug.
Two achievement compensation added.
Fix Ho-oh to go away! Fix Machine part become gym leader.
Fix Game crash upon clearing radio tower or its similar events..
Removed april fool and halloween holiday theme.
Fix Pickpocket ability.
Online Features:
Player Ranks and Emblems
With the implementation of online mode in 0.32 players started to gain points for things such as breeding, battleing, and even just walking around. these points allow the player to Level up, and, every five levels, change their trainer class and sprite. Also they can earn emblems that they can choose to display on their trainer card for other players to view.
Friend List
Displays a list of all the people you have registered as friends. Implemented in 0.33.
Rank List
Displays the players with the 10 highest scores compared to your own. Implemented in 0.33.
List of bug fixes/changes:
Fix Snorlax sleeping bug.
Fix Sleep related moves bug.
Two achievement compensation added.
Fix Ho-oh to go away! Fix Machine part become gym leader.
Fix Game crash upon clearing radio tower or its similar events..
Removed april fool and halloween holiday theme.
Fix Pickpocket ability.
Online Features:
Player Ranks and Emblems
With the implementation of online mode in 0.32 players started to gain points for things such as breeding, battleing, and even just walking around. these points allow the player to Level up, and, every five levels, change their trainer class and sprite. Also they can earn emblems that they can choose to display on their trainer card for other players to view.
Friend List
Displays a list of all the people you have registered as friends. Implemented in 0.33.
Rank List
Displays the players with the 10 highest scores compared to your own. Implemented in 0.33.