Pokemon Kanto Black
Download Patched Pokemon Kanto Black Rom
Latest version- Version 2.08
Updated on- October 15 2016

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Download Version 2.07
Name: Pokemon Kanto Black Hack of: Fire RedLanguage: English
Creator: Mystery Man
Status: Game beatable
Mostly unchanged Kanto and Sevii Islands with a few new additions and different Pokemon. A world of only 5th and 6th generation Pokemon, the only exception being Eevee. The 5th generation Pokemon are all in Kanto while the 6th generation Pokemon are all in the Sevii islands.Features
- Many move tutor moves
- Difficulty rating system
- Physical/special split, new generation moves, abilities, and battle items
- Sevii Islands
- Mini-games. Go to the Two Island Game Corner to play them
- VS Seeker works without charging
Mystery Man, FBI Agent, Doesntknowhowtoplay, Hidoranblaze, daniils, davidjcobb, JPAN, Hackmew, Jambo51, Hopeless Masquerade, Mastermind_X, Knizz, KDS, Darthatron, kearnseyboy6, azurile13, Sagiri, Spherical Ice, Kymotonian, c2c-A7X, 2and2makes5, , Pokegirl4ever, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, kdiamo11, Chocosrawloid, Sneakertheotter, Chaos Rush, LeiAlcantara025, InfiniteZero, KDS, Tlachtli, BTSource/Help/Screenshots
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