Pokemon Light Platinum - 2016
Download Patched Pokemon Light Platinum Rom
Latest version(Final Version English)
Updated on 19 June 2016
Apply these setting to prevent white screen on VBA-
Apply these setting to prevent white screen on VBA-
1.Turn VBA off.(Get VBA here)
2.Delete the .sgm, .sa1 or .sav files for this game in your folder(if they exist).
3.Turn VBA back on.
3.Go to Options -> Emulator -> Save Type -> Flash 128k
4.Options->Emulator->Real Time Clock
6.Turn VBA off again.
7.Then turn it back on and load the rom once more.
Already patched and ready to play!
Hack Name: Pokemon Light Platinum Hack Base: Pokémon Ruby Language:
English. Updated on June 2016
English. Updated on June 2016
- > New Region ZHERY
- > New Leaders and Elite Four
- > New Rivals
- > Pokémons of all Regions (Johto, Kanto, Hoen, Sinnoh)
- > Trips for another areas
- > All Pokemons Legendarys
- > All New's sprites
- > All New's events
- > All New's Tiles
- > New Event Final: Pokemon World Championship
!Translated by SnakeByte!
- Wah Hack, Myutsu, Pokécommunity, for the support
- Peyi, Kyledove, Zelda, GSC platinum,Alistair, Saurav, Shiny Lugia, Dewity for the some Tiles edited by me.
- thethethe's, Lu-oH, Zel, Serg!o, Xiros, Mastermind_X, for they begin the hacking pokémon and to all the creators of tools.
- Ruka Prince and Ash493, Snakebyte for translated the rom of English version